Wyclip is our highly popular clip-in scraper/wiper that proves very effective
for removing the most abrasive and tenacious foreign matter from rods.
A remarkably simple design enables the Wyclip ring to be housed with the
minimum machining of metal parts. Only an annular recess is needed for the
housing — no retaining plates or fixing bolts are required.
The ring is simply pressed into position. Positive retention is ingeniously achieved
by its outer lip springing into position behind the recess shoulder.
Special features
• Powerful scraping action for highly efficient removal of abrasive particles.
• Excludes contaminants.
• Very simple to fit with clip-in action.
• Hardwearing for long working life.
• Remains in contact with the rod under the most demanding conditions.
Typical applications
Heavy-duty operations on jack rods of earth-moving plant and other construction
equipment, forklift trucks, and any other items of industrial plant that work in
arduous conditions and need a robust rod scraper/wiper.
Operating capabilities
• Temperature range (standard material): -40°C to +100°C (-40°F to +212°F).
Materials of construction
Standard material: a specially developed semi-rigid, yet resilient, hardwearing
Special materials: PTFE, acetal and other materials are available on request.
Media capabilities
Standard materials are suitable for use with most mineral based hydraulic fluids,
and most fire-resistant fluids of the water/ oil emulsion or water/glycol types at
temperatures up to 100°C (212°F). They also resist air, water, and most lubricating
oils and greases.
Special materials extend considerably the range of application in terms of temperature and fluid compatibility. Please consult our walle sealing Technical SupportTeam.