Most suitable for use in hydraulic cylinder O-ring seal O-ring composition
O-ringfor designers todesign a variety ofstatic or dynamicapplication provides acost-effectivesealing element.
Inexpensiveproduction methodsand ease of use, making theapplication ofthe O-ringto becomethe mostwidelysealing element.
Sinceboth forstandard applicationsorfor special applications,syntheticrubber, havea very widerange of options,therefore, O-ring sealcan actually beapplied to allliquidseal.
O-ringvulcanization moldingin a mold,characterized in that thecircularshape,andan annularcross section.The size ofthe O-ringfrom theinnercross-sectional diameterof d1 andd2are defined(Figure 1).
Sizesto choose fromare:cross-sectionaldiameter of about0.35 ~ 40mm,diameterup to5,000 mmand above.
ForO-ringdesign recommendations(seeO-ringsamples)forthe retaining ringisalso generallyeffective, for example,trench structure, surface finish, the introductionchamfer.
When pressure isappliedfrom one side onlywhentheO-ringon the downstreamside of theinstallationasnap ringis enough,when the sealto withstandthe pressurefromtwodirections, you must usetworing(O-shapedringeach sidewithone).
In the currentdesign ofthe hydraulic cylinder, O-ringorO-ring/ringcombinationis mainly used asstaticseals,however, thissealing solutionsin the assemblythere is a certainrisk, becauseO-ringmaytwistedringposition
Theremay not be optimal.This solution,the pressurepulsation andthe case ofdirtintrusionexhibitdisadvantages.
Inthis case, thedumbbell-shaped sealmemberas a singleelementstatichydraulic seals,can be used asan idealreplacement.